

Recently, I have uncovered my great trove of two jars of jams and preserve that I keep within my flat to have in sandwiches. In a way, it makes me feel a bit like Paddington bear and in another, it makes me think about jams and preserves are made. That also made me think of how the process came to be developed. 

The ways of making jams are through ancient methods on how to preserve food that dates back to the stone age. The preservation of foods made it easier to survive during periods of time when food was in a greater shortage. Food was often preserved through the use of sugar or honey, with the Greeks using it to store quince, a pear-shaped fruit. Honey works for this purpose as it has no moisture so it encases the things within it and preserves them, making it effective. Jams are made using soft fruit and sugar, together in a large pot, mixing on heat so that it is all reduced and the liquid is reduced from the fruits. It should become less liquid-like when it cools and if not, then continue to boil until this becomes true.

Preserving of fruits and other such things is such an interesting thing. It allows things that may seem like they are only available at certain times more widely available for an extended period. Preserves can last for a long time, even after the fruits are gone.


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